MIDATA Cooperative
MIDATA shows how data can be used for the common good, while at the same time ensuring the citizens’ control over their personal data. Founded in 2015, the nonprofit cooperative operates a data platform, acts as a trustee for data collection and guarantees the sovereignty of citizens over the use of their data.
MIDATA embodies a system of governance and data stewardship allowing it to act as a trusted Health Data Intermediary. It operates a secure platform for storage and sharing of health data, including fully granular consent management, based on the Open MIDATA Server open source software which was developed in collaboration with ETH Zurich and Bern University of Applied Sciences. For operation of the data platform and the development of use cases, MIDATA closely collaborates with the Institute of Medical Informatics I4MI of Bern University of Applied Sciences.
The MIDATA health data platform is used in consortial data projects within major Swiss initiatives (Swiss Personalized Health Network SPHN, Personalized Health-related Technologies PHRT, Prevention in Healthcare (PGV)).
Role within AIDAVA
MIDATA will act as a health data intermediary in the two project use cases. MIDATA´s work within the project is centered around development of use cases (WP1, Patient acceptability of taking control & increase quality of their health data) and in WP4 (Data workflow and ELSI Framework to support processing of identifiable data).