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Advisory Boards

AIDAVA is supported by different external boards including the Sustainability Advisory Board and the Ethics Advisory Board.

  • Sustainability Advisory Board (SAB)

    AIDAVA has involved an external Sustainability Advisory Board (SAB) who will pave the way for sustainable uptake of results.


    The Sustainability Advisory Board's mission is to oversee the Exploitation and Dissemination Activities of the project (WP6) and provide feedback during regular meetings on innovation, market needs, and economic potential of KERs and promote integration of the AIDAVA results. More specifically the SAB is expected to oversee the results of two key workshops: Exploitation & Sustainability Strategy Workshop and Exploitation & Sustainability Planning Workshop during which the project will validate the Key Exploitable Result (KER) candidates, revise, and refine associated exploitation strategies, and to develop concrete action plans via an Exploitation Roadmap.

    Composition & Operations

    The SAB will include ten opinion leaders/C-level executives from hospitals, public health authorities, EMA, pharma and EHR vendors and by the senior executives from the consortium partners. Consortium partners will nominate their representatives during the first General Assembly and will propose candidate participants for the board. Candidates will be elected on a majority voting system and invited by the chair of the board, Mr Agris Peedu (CEO of NEMC).

    The SAB will meet every six months: once a year through teleconference (½ day meeting), once a year joining the life General Assembly (full day meeting). The project is expected to last for four years. Before each meeting, SAB members will be provided with an update of the project and a set of key topics to discuss and relevant documentation, in support of the topics. The advice by the SAB will be reported in official deliverables of the project. Meetings and reporting will be supported by Partner NEMC acting as secretariat of the SAB.


    Clayton Hamilton
    WHO Regional Office for Europe’s Division for Country Health Policies and Systems
    Faisal Khan
    Dmitry Etin
    Independent Consultant/Deggendorf Institute of Technology
    Michael Strübin
    Petr Holub
    Markus Kalliola
    Finnish Innovation Fund Sitra
    Michel Silvestri
    Swedish eHealth Authority
    Alex Elias
    Prof. Spiros Denaxas
    British Heart Foundation
    Prof. Anne Moen
    Faculty of Medicine at the University of Oslo
    Prof. Jan Baumbach
    Institute for Computational Systems Biology, University of Hamburg
    Kristof Vanfraechem
    interim member
  • Ethics Advisory Board (EAB)

    An independent Ethics Advisory Board (EAB) will be appointed to oversee these processes, including ethical use of AI, and will review all the data protection and information security instruments that developed and used across the work packages. The EAB will include independent expertise, comprising AI ethical experts, patient organisation representatives and data protection experts.